Our Faulting Stars
Kaylee V
Not only is John Green one of the creators of the infamous Crash Course but he's also the author of The Fault In Our Stars. In this story we follow the life of Hazel Grace, a teenage girl whom was diagnosed with Stage 4 Thyroid cancer. Growing up she had her number of scares with her life, after assurinance her life had at least a few weeks longer she decides to use her Make A Wish on disney world which later arouses conflicts when Hazel wants to go to Amsterdam to meet her favorite author, if it wasn't for Augustus Waters she would have never went.
Hazel meets Augustus during a help group for people with cancer. After that everything seems just about magical. They go on dates, lose each other's virginity, and travel to Amsterdam where it's revealed the author was a major dick. It was clear they were in love and nothing could take that away from them. Though major conflict arises when Augustus his osteosarcoma comes back and later takes his life. Ending the story of this romantic turn of events, but not there love for one another. It was believed Augustus would be okay, when he was younger most of the cancer was in his leg but when it was amputated as a child he was assured that he'd be okay, but that wasn't the case.
This story had its ups and downs for me. I'm never usually interested in "chick flicks" books and movies but I did enjoy this book. My cousin was diagnosed with brain cancer and though there wasn't really a happy ending it shows that there's life even after a horrid diagnosis. Augustus dying was a strange plot twist, I had figured Hazel would be the one to go but I like how it switches up on the reader. Always expect the unexpected. That's what makes this book such a good book, that and the fabulous writing of John Green. If you're a sap for romance books this is surely the way to go and if it's not necessarily your thing I still highly recommend the book. It might even arouse some tears.