June 6, 2011
One last look at their faces, I felt scared
I was the strong, the powerful one
But here I was missing them already
There's a cliff and I have to walk off it
I am not sure what it at the bottom
Though it has to be new and different
I don't want to stick my neck out
I hope it won't be over the copping block
If it is, I'll stop the axe with my hand
Most walk off the cliff at some point
I knew the time, I knew the day
Though I never full understood
Until I was in the rear view mirror
Turn around, stand strong walk fast
I foot touches air, life is a bitch
Yet it's so much fun and so exciting
There are other people falling too
Maybe they'll come and join my free fall
And together we will grow wings
June 5, 2011
June 3, 2011
Vocab Quiz
Even though they act like fools
When they run into the street like kamikazes
Wise squirrels avoid the streets
Young squirrels should stay in school
Squirrels are cool.
All squirrels are sweet
Except the one that bit my mom, cruel
When they run into the street like kamikazes
Squirrels hate beets
Because it makes them drool
Squirrels are cool
Acorns are the best treats
Squirrels will duel
When they run into the street like kamikazes
A squirrel fleets
Away, into a shadow pool
Squirrels are cool
When they run into the street like kamikazes
Ode to My Dead, Diabetic Cat
And you were fat,
This is an ode
To my diabetic cat.
Oh how distressed,
How grief stricken we were,
When we could no longer pat
Your diabetic fur.
Your tummy was rubbable
Right before it grumbled.
That was back when you were fat.
A fat, diabetic cat.
Your name was Spot
Probablly because you had a spot
I wouldn't know
I wasn't there.
You really were old.
My dad used to sing about you
Especially in the shower...
...It was weird
The cat we got after you
Her name was Sox
Then she got lost
Then we found out she was dead
That was like a week later.
Then we got another
And she had herpes
So we called her Herp
You were fatter than both
During you're prime
Then you got skinny
And wouldn't take your insulin
So we put you to sleep
It made me sad..
Now you're in the ground
In a box
In my backyard
Still dead
Still sleeping
WIlliams Style Poem
Through grassy knolls
Not a sound.
Birds take not flight,
Leaves not lifted by wind.
All is still.
A rustling meets ears.
Can you tell what the intended profound concept behind this poem is? Or can you at least draw one of your own?
greatest poem ever, try 2
at the ipse dixit she spoke
but then the light came on
and he gave a candor glance
Vocab Quizzz
When the ipse dixit was disproved
And candor I remained when I voiced my opinion
Robert Frost Influenced Poem (Part)
Or will I choose to see the ocean?
Hop straight in a plane, and fly?
A choice so hard, I want to cry.
The pressure is nothing more than commotion.
Now the real question ceases to exist,
They are too afraid to ask.
Will they be thought of or missed?
They’ll be at the top of my calling list.
They’ll be a priority, not just a task.
My parents say they’ll miss me so,
And this is where it gets tough.
I don’t know if I should stay or go?
But I believe it’s best for me though,
No matter how hard and rough.
Did I use the proper rhythm for this poetry form?
थे पर्सियन Cat
हे वास मोर्बिदिब्ली ओबेसे
इन थे एक्स्त्रेमे
इ मेस्सेद उप बी स्वित्चिंग थिस तो पर्सियन
इ विश इ हदन'टी
एंड वास इन्स्टाद ड्रिंकिंग सुन्नी डी
greatest poem ever
at the ipse dixit she spoke
but then the light came on
and he gave a look of candor
Paint it; draw the rainbow of your bright day
Let us see what you can do, shine right through
Bring color to unsaturated ways
Let no one tell you what you cannot say
Let no one tell you what you cannot do
Paint it, draw the rainbow of your bright day
Live free, above the normal, bland cliché
Do what others might see as a taboo
Bring color to unsaturated ways
Don’t let your great, beautiful life decay
Make others feel like it’s a day they’ll rue
Paint it; draw the rainbow of your bright day
Never let others make your mind astray
Do what you want, your dreams always come true
Bring color to unsaturated ways
You are the color in a sea of grey
Make everyone see your beautiful hues
Paint it; draw the rainbow of your bright day
Bring color to unsaturated ways
Halloween (Villanelle)
The beast is out, hold on tight of the fear
Feel the chill; see the thrill and the fright
Without the lights so big and mighty bright
As you go and walk with you fellow peers
Do not try to sleep in the woods this night
There are no saving medieval knights
I cannot see or hear the people's cheer
Feel the chill; see the thrill and the fright
As the night goes by the people take flight
Noise of night goes by, and ringing in ears
Do not try to sleep in the woods this night
With the children’s baskets filled with delights
And some have been waiting thru out the year
Feel the chill; see the thrill and the fright
They wait for the first little sweet bites
Waiting for parent to say the “all clear”
Do not try to sleep in the woods this night
Feel the chill; see the thrill and the fright
What do you think?
My Wonderful Audi
The loudness of the roar, deafening as I go by
Heads turn without hesitation, needing to see
Speeding down the street, with the feeling that I can fly.
Some say I’m spoiled, that it’s not mine, I disagree
Sound bumping, windows down, not caring
As I drive by, I ignore everyone’s jealousy
My sisters get mad at me for not sharing
My car is mine, no one but me can drive it
I have a nicer car than my sister, when comparing
My friends were mad, saying I was unfit
Not needing a parking pass either, they were steamed
I told them to inhale the gas my car emits
When I found out my car got recalled, I screamed
Being without it for months left me depressed
My friends and sisters laughed and did not care from what it seemed
Getting it back, I certainly was blessed.
The rhythm may be a little off, but how did you like it?
the funny way to die
Everyday i hope and pray that i say
Today is not the same as yesterday
I begin anew
When i say adieu
Tomorrow i will make them pay.