February 15, 2018


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Aby Hahn <994800761@nsd42.net>
Date: Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 10:01 AM
To: teachergreene.publishorperish@blogger.com

  • Papers sprawled across the teacher's desk

  • An array of weird board games that look like they haven't been touched in years.

  • A huge television that almost looks like a baby dinosaur from behind

  • A row of computers and old chairs with weird students sitting in each one

  • Boring off white walls with a couple colored papers that look like they're there in hopes to cover up the gloominess.

I walked in to my new classroom and the first thing that caught my eye was the array of the computers. I have always loved writing, and since this was an English class, it was safe to assume that all of those computers were there for writing. I also loved the sound of keyboards clicking. Something about the clicks that go so fast around the room sounds so productive. After walking in to the room, I could smell coffee coming from the teacher's desk. It smelled strong and freshly brewed. My house always smells like coffee, especially when you get into the kitchen. Being in this room almost reminded me of home in a way. Then, to make it all even better, the teacher started talking in the most soothing voice. It was deep and sounded almost like a lullaby. I think it's the best when English teachers have a voice like that. It really almost adds to everything they're teaching and everything they're saying. I was ready to learn about everything this English class had to offer and I would do so with a huge smile on my face every day.

  • Long hair that makes me wonder if he likes it that way or if he just can't afford a haircut

  • Levi jeans that are worn in the knee

  • A swamp green button up with a small poke of a red pen cap peeking out of the pocket

  • A little bit of facial hair that is definitely there, but only softly

  • A soothing lullaby voice

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