May 16, 2011

Song of Myself

I celebrate myself,
For who I am
For who I will become
I trust god will help me to make the right choices
He will help me to stay on track

Animals of mine will come and go
Though they will remain in my heart always
Friends will be trusted
But will slowly drift away with time
Soon I will be all on my own

My family will be by my side
In this huge universe
They will help me see a person for who they really are

They will show me how important it is to trust a person
They will help me understand that everyone is different

The friends that I do keep in touch with
They will bring me happiness
Never sadness
They will support me through thick and thin
As will I when they are in need of comfort

My family will bring me the most happiness
And eventually I will have my own family
I can teach the children I have that the world is not a fairytale
I will teach them that your family and friends bring you the most happiness
Life is not all about a job or money

I will show my family that making memories are important
To cherish memories because some people aren’t so fortunate
Cherish every day like it was your last day
You never know when your world can come crashing down
Your family will comfort you through thick and thin

The college years I will live through
Will probably be the best years of my life
I will find my true self
Really begin living
And understand that I mean something

But through all my life experiences
I will find myself
Along with other friends and loves
I will never give up on the people who mean the most to me
They will help me discover who I true am

And most importantly I will celebrate myself
Because I matter in this world
I will never give up on believing that
Because I respect myself
And I love the life I’m living

Does this poem seem to make any sense? Is there anything I could put in or take out or change?

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