February 3, 2012

Werewolves United

 Howling, under the bright full moon. Chasing everything alive in the forest whether man or animal. Licking my lips knowing the next kill is a nice juicy deer I race toward the movement in the distance. I catch the deer full speed and snap its neck in two. That's how fast I am under the moon. Faster than the silver bullet that kills me.

  I am The Great Wolf. My name is... well I don't know right now, all I know is the flesh of the deer its fur stained with its own blood. I feast as the moon sets under the tree line and head for cover. I make it just as I transform back to my original form. I am a human boy of sixteen. I have grown into a wolf that fights for his freedom and know that I will not let my people fall.

 "That's it." I whisper to the wind. “That’s what I am meant for. To protect my species. This species that have been hunted down to near extinction." I start to yell. “I will fight for our survival and save our race from being destroyed by man." I yell back to the crowd cheering me on.
 I think back to when everything started. I wasn’t the cool guy in school, but also I was at the same time. I knew just about everyone in the school and liked it that way. Even though I knew so many people I usually kept to my main three or four friends. I was fifteen at the time. I was always hanging out with my friend Tj and Kate in school not doing much but talking.
 I used to have a crush on a girl there named Mina she was a pretty popular and beautiful girl. Well one day I was walking home with Kate and Tj and we stopped by the woods for awhile to climb some trees. While there we saw someone running from something and then saw two or three huge gray animals run past. Tj and Kate wanted to leave so I said I would catch up later.
 I walked toward where they were going till I found blood and ripped clothes. I stayed low looking for anything that might have attacked this person. At the time I didn’t anything of it being day time so I kept on going. I saw something in the trees and stopped. I looked for anything up there then something caught my eye. It was a large wolf looking animal in the tree. I was astonished.
 Just as I was about to leave a group of people ran passed me shooting some type of assault rifle at the thing. They hit it and it fell to its death on the ground below the tree. They left it and walked off. I walked toward the creature and it lies there dead. It started to transform and turns to a person. I was in awe I had never seen anything like this.
 I hear a twig snap behind me and yell out, “Who’s there?” I wasn’t really scared as much as worried what I have gotten myself into. Two others crawl out of the brush and Turn human once more.”What is your name?” they ask. “Nick Feth and who are you?” I say starting to wonder why they care for my name. “I told it’s him…” The other says interrupted by the other.”Silence Samuel it is not your turn to speak.” He hisses. “What are you doing here boy?” he asks calmly. I reply in the same tone,” I am here just to well look at what was happening.”
  He nods and then they transform and he comes over to me slits his wrist and then mine and drips the blood in my wrist I feel a stinging in my arm and watch as my wound heals almost instantly. I am amazed and ask “What is going on?” he replies you’ve just been turned then leaves with the other behind him.
 I get home and Tj and Kate are waiting for me. I tell them it was just some wolves in the park and don’t tell them anything else. I was worried then that if I told them they would not accept me for me anymore. I remember the next day I was not alone, the next day I had ran into them again and they were following me everywhere. I didn’t go to school that day worried what might happen so I skipped and ran to the woods where. I had watched that person die. Today there was nothing but the trunk of the tree. They were watching so I asked “What have I become?” They don’t answer so I yell, “What have I become?” this time my voice had changed to a very deep and loud tone that was angry and scary sounding.
 I began to hear my bones cracking as I grew to an enormous size. I was getting grey fur grown all over my body as I was becoming something else.” You’re becoming a werewolf Nick. A werewolf meant to fight for all of us. The Great Wolf!” he yells it out to me then memories that I didn’t know I had came flooding in.
 The memory of my birth was first, October twenty third 1995. I was turning into a wolf pup then. It was excruciating, I remember crying for hours as my parents watched helpless to stop the change. I remember after that day never turning again till now.
 I looked at him and then turned back to my normal human self. Somehow I knew what to do; I guess it is instinct once I am turned to a werewolf but I was too young then to know and now he has given me the ability to remember. “How did you know I was a werewolf?” I ask. “We werewolves have the ability to read each other’s minds in a way only if we are of higher ranking in the pack so to speak.”
 I looked still confused and he said, “So now that you know you are the Great Wolf you are a higher rank than me. No one is higher ranking than you Nick. Well except for the eldest who is really quite fond of meeting you someday soon. But anyway we have to get you hunting tonight’s going to be a full moon and even though we can change any time at night we still are stronger in the full moon.” He then told me to go hunting.
 I looked out to the crowd that was cheering me on. I still remember that they were turned all the same way. They were all friends of a person who became a werewolf and if you find out you either die or become one. Most were told by their friends that it is not very bad becoming a wolf in fact it is fun.
 I was planning on secretly telling Tj and Kate but didn’t know where to begin. I ran from the pack one day at night and stopped at Tj’s house first he wasn’t asleep playing video games as usual. I turned human again and knocked at his window. He opened it and let me in. I told him the whole story and he was interested the whole time and listening.
 “So you’re a werewolf?” he asked. I nodded worried and he said “Well cool.” I told him about how I was not supposed to tell him and that if I did I was supposed to kill him or turn him but only if they found out. “Nick I will follow under you as a friend being a werewolf with you if you’d like me to.” He said I smile then said. “Alright at first it hurts so be ready.” I bit his wrist and watched as he writhed in pain.
 When all was done I saw him transform. He seemed different than other wolves so I had him hunt and do some exercises like climbing trees and swimming. He was faster than most wolves I’ve seen and that was good for him that meant a higher chance of survival. We talked it over and decided I’d talk to Kate alone so I set off for there as he went to the pack location.
 Kate was asleep when I got there so I climbed in the window and woke her slowly. When she woke she just asked “Why are you here Nick?” I told her everything and again watched as she writhed in pain she took it better than Tj the transformation and then when she was beautiful I thought but knew we were only friends and that’s all we ever were or will be.
 I tested her in the same way I did Tj and she did just as good. I was glad my two best friends were better than all other wolves. Me and Kate began off to the pack and when we got there were greeted by the pack and asked to rise before the rest. They became my blood family due to the transformation and I was happy to have such great friends to be here.
 The Continued Portion of the start of The story.


  1. Maybe add a TINY bit more of an introduction because I was slightly confused but it definitely will be the start of a very good book. :3

  2. This will make a very interesting book, I hope you continue on this idea and continue adding to it. Maybe you could add a little bit more of a background as to who the people are in the army and how you all got to be that way?
