This was a writing exercise from before. I know I didn't really develop the characters or anything, so what was your reaction? Was this bad? Was it funny?
One day Roger, a single man who has Venustraphobia, signed up for The Bachalor
When Roger finally had his chance, he didn't realize that most of these women would be so beautiful. One by one, the got out of the limozines, and each lady scared him equally, and he screamed something like "No, please! Dont kill me! You're too pretty!"
Just as they had come before, all the women left one by one. Then, the last limozine showed up, and one women was inside it. Roger was of course relieved when an ugly women walked out of the limo. she was pulling at the sides and front of her dress.
"Thank God! your so ugly! I love you already! Will you please, please, please marry me?" He asked the women.
The women didn't look offended but she did look uncomfortable. She continued to pull at her beautiful dress, nervously.
"Sure, of course I'll marry you, but... GAH! I can't take it anymore!" The lady ripped off her dress, and threw it on the ground, starring at it frightened.
"What's wrong?" Roger asked her, confused.
"I-I'm afraid of clothes! They're gross, and they touch you every minute of every day! It is so creepy! Please take off your clothes, just seeing other people dressed creeps me out."
"Even better!" Roger exclaimed.
As soon as Roger was naked, the women kissed him and pulled him into the limozine. they then ordered the limo driver to drive them to vegas for a quick wedding.
"You never told me your name." Roger pointed out, and the woman held his hand happily.
The woman's reply was sarcastic. "Aphrodite. 'Goddess of beauty.'" And with that, Roger smiled, and kissed her.
Oh, Taylor. How comedic this was. I loved it. I liked how you brought in both the fears we were given, but with different people. I thought that was interesting, since I didn't even think of that. It makes me laugh that someone afraid of beautiful women would sign up for the Bachelor. There were a few spelling/grammar mistakes, but other than that it was well written. I laughed at the end when she told him her name. It was a hilarious and genius way to end it. Well done.