January 20, 2012


The best minds of my generation are tired. They stay awake with all their fancy electronic toys rather than studying. My generation is lazy; they have no desire to work.

My generation is full of sex crazed teenagers, drugs, and shitty rap music. Pregnant adolescents with their baby daddies driving their shit box cars pimped out with Wal Mart exhausts.
The economy is failing; while prices of everything are going up, education is going down. My generation is angry. My generation is distracted by shiny things, things that prevent tasks to get done, spending time goofing around rather than doing something actually important.

My generation is fat, they don’t tend to exercise. The ones who do don’t eat right. You either fit in or you don’t, literally.

The way our generation is working it seems as if it will fail soon overdoses, suicides, and global warming. Seems no one takes care of themselves or their environment. The streets filled with trash, killing small animals.

My generation hasn’t made peace or won a war to change its own fails. The shitty people elected for presidency who have promised change only bringing more fail.

Life is taken advantage of, with both life and death. Kids being brought into this world by selfish people. These selfish people having kids to collect money for themselves. People ending their lives because of a bully, home life, or others. My generation is mean.

My generation takes advantage. They steel free money by sitting on their asses, claiming disability or welfare, when they don’t necessarily need it. Teenagers can have jobs, what’s stopping them; you should want to work hard for your family.

My generation is wasteful and unappreciative. Constantly breaking there nice things, just to go buy a new one. People going through eight different phones a year, unnecessary.

Our generation is failed because of our elders. We are a reflection of them. Some of us more fortunate enough to have great parents, some smart enough to overcome it. We grow on what or what was not taught at home.

We all want to be famous and have fortune. Fancy clothes, cars and toys is that what this generation is about? How can we really make this OUR generation?

Where can this generation find peace? It’s not on Facebook, Twitter, or television. It’s within yourself, looking deep to discover who you really are.

Every generation should be about friends, family, and your own life. Where has our generation gone wrong? How did we end up here? Why are we ruining ourselves?

My generation, our generation, is failed.

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