March 11, 2011

Genderless Lead

Without knowing the narrator's gender, apperance, or age what can you tell me about them from this passage?
I want to see if they are precieved the way I wanted to potrayed them.

I was asleep peacefully when suddenly my ears were molested by the most annoying wakeup call of all time, a cacophony of urgent shouting, sirens wailing, and tires crunching over pavement. Ah, the glorious sounds of civilization! If only Earth came with a mute button. When I rolled over, I saw that it was three forty seven a.m., which wasn’t that bad at all. Used to waking up at four every morning, I rolled out of bed without much trouble. I pulled my curtains back and looked outside, not to see what all the hoopla was about because frankly, I didn’t care. I just liked staring out the day by looking out over L.A. My apartment building is on the shabbier side of town, set a ways away from the skyscrapers at the heart of the city. Its far enough back that when I look out of my window, I can see a wide range of the cityscape. I might possibly have one of the most beautiful views of L.A. available. It’s beautiful enough to turn any professional photographer green with envy. Though, in my opinion, the view is really only appealing to look at during the early hours. Before the workday begins and people crawl out from their urban hidey holes to infest the sideways and streets. Before the sun rises and its light illuminates the diarrhea colored smog strangling the towers and high-rises. I have several paintings of the buildings I can see from my window at dawn laying about. I’ve never had any of them displayed at my art shows though. I would never give up any of my precious treasures to the gluttonous public. Besides, I have an established a trademark within the artistic community and it has nothing to do with architecture. Those brainless bastards that go around calling themselves critics will only ever be allowed to lay eyes on the most mediocre of my work. How’s that for a “screw you” to society? 


  1. The character sounds rather cynical and egotistical. They seem to think that their work is better than any other artist and other artists don't even deserve to see his good work. Also to me it sounds like he's a man.
    p.s. i forgot to change my name :(

  2. You definitely got your point across if you intended on playing the misanthropic author, although I would suggest the use of more narrative themes (hopefully in the rest of the story).
    I really liked the voice of the character though, as it kind of reminds me of myself. It seems like a guy between 14 and 40 (I know, that's a huge gap); an old guy generally wouldn't use terms like "a mute button" and I doubt kid 0-13 would wake up around 4:00 each day.
