I'm not looking for any comments about the plot, so pay attention to everything else.
Holly harrumphed. Alex was being stupid again. She sighed and adjusted her uniform’s collar.
“Just shut up and finish that Bio test!” she moaned, “Why the hell did I have to end up with such an idiotic lab partner?”
“I’m trying, I’m trying.” Alex muttered exasperatedly. “That’s what I should be saying…” Alex yawned and filled in the rest of the answers at random. Then, he fixed the hood of his sweatshirt and pulled the zipper of his black jacket up. “The North Face” it read in white letters.
“Hey, I told you to finish quickly, but not randomly.” Holly frowned flicking platinum blonde hair from out of her eyes. “Are you just trying to drag my grade down?”
He snorted. “Stuff it blond girl. At least I can run across a basketball court without tripping over my own feet, bean sprout.”
She glared. “And that’s supposed to make up for the fact that your GPA is probably negative? Besides, being short and blond isn’t bad when you bother looking after your hair. How do you cut that brown bush on your head? A lawnmower?”
“I don’t see a point in being smart when I can just phone Ted and get all the answers anyways!”
“That’s stupid, so you’re going to cheat for the rest of your life using that bigheaded jerk?!”Are these believable characters? (Do they remind you of anyone you know?) Too typical? Too weird?
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