March 7, 2011

Story Section~3/7

“Okay, I’m coming.” Her mom said harshly. As she stood up, she stumbled and nearly fell over. She then looked into the pot on the stove. “Spaghetti, again?”
“Yeah, there isn’t much else to have.”
“There’s plenty of other stuff. Are you trying to tell me that I don’t provide for you, Ellie?”
“I looked in the cabinet; this was all that was left.”
Her mother was now infuriated. She tipped over the pan of warming spaghetti sauce. It went all over the kitchen floor. “Do you see what you make me do Eleanor?” she screamed. “You’re always messing things up around here! And you wonder why your father won’t come home!”
“He’s in the army, Mom. He’d come home if he could…Can you please stop blaming me for him not being around? I miss him just as much as you do, if not more.”
“You’re so young. You’ll never understand. You’re such a mistake!” She yelled, as she stormed out the door, to the back yard.
Ellie sat in the kitchen going over what just happened, in her head. She knew that there was no excuse for her mother’s behavior. Just because she drank a lot, didn’t mean that Ellie deserved the way her mother had been treating her.
A few seconds later, Ellie heard a loud noise, almost like someone had fallen. As she ran toward the back door to see what happened, she heard he mom cussing and crying. Sure enough, she fell down the stairs...again.
“Here,” Ellie offered a hand, “let me help you inside.”
“I don’t need your help.” Her mom grumbled, while trying to lift herself off the ground; and falling back down.
“Please?” Ellie asked kind-heartedly, and she offered another helping hand. This time, her mom accepted, and Ellie helped her to her bedroom.

What kind of feeling do you get from reading this portion of my story? What do you take out of this about Ellie a charactor? If you have any suggestions for further defining her character, please let me know.

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