One day Natalie was walking down the street and she saw a stray dog. She didn’t think anything of going to get it until she saw a car driving up the street as the dog was walking into the street. She dropped all of her bags and started to run but when she dropped her bags the eggs and grape juice exploded on her new white dress. But she didn’t care, as she ran out into the road and stopped the car she picked up the dog and walked to the side of the road. The driver of the car pulled over and got out. It was a man he stood about 6 foot and had the athletics body. Natalie blushed like she has never seen a man like this before. He asked her if she and the dog were both ok and she answered with a yes. She stood up to greet him and as she stood up he looked at her dress and grinned. She was so embarrassed she had forgotten about the eggs and juice she quickly kneeled back down. He took her hand and said that there was nothing to be embarrassed about it happens to everyone. They began to talk some more. Then the exchanged numbers. Later on in the day she got a text from the man. His name was Makiah. They began to talk more and more everyday and went out on numerous dates. Months have passed on now and they have started to fall in love with each other. The decided to get a place together. They both really like dogs so they said what the heck let’s get a dog. They went to the humane society and saw the dog that they had rescued. They both thought to themselves that she was the perfect dog for them because she is the one that brought them together in the first place. They went on for years and years together and they got married and started a family. Not too long after they had their second child they had found out that their dog was going to have babies as well. They were so happy. Then they lived happily ever after.
I would like to know what things I should add to this story to make it more interesting to the readers. Is there anything I should take out. Even reword?
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