September 23, 2011

The New STD

This is a writing exercise I wrote one morning and I thoroughly enjoyed writing it. We were asked, what if there was a new STD going around that gave people horns and a tail? I took a rather special angle to answer this, but my question is, how would SOCIETY handle it?

If there was a new STD that gave people a set of horns and a tail, there would be a massive backlash by the churches. Things would be like the days of the Colosseum, where STD-riddled horned people would battle for the enjoyment of normal people. Miniature colonies of horned people with tails would be persecuted often and sometimes killed by outsiders. They government, in an effort to stop the brutal killings, would put all the people with the STD on Native American reservations. The Native Americans would then fight back against the government. Then as a cruel use of irony, the United States military would use Cherokee missiles to kill the Native Americans. The United States would become a civil war-zone running rampant with people who have horns and tails. That's what would happen if there was a new STD that gave people horns and a tail.

1 comment:

  1. Yo man, dis shit is pretti kool. But seriously, this is really kind of weird but hilarious at the same time. It makes me a little worried that you come up with this but I enjoy it. I would focus on other examples of people or places and their reactions to this. For instance, If the greatest rapper in the world, myself, was to catch this STD I would rock it. I would make a huge scene or get really worried. I would own it. I would walk around with more swag than anybody has ever had because you can't let haters get to you. But there are some people who would try and hide it. Maybe you could talk about another animal contracting the disease so they had like double tails and an extra set of horns. You are a great boy, keep doin yo thang and show them haters how you do, Manheim. Much love, Jay-z <3
