This is a little short excerpt from a story I'm writing. Feel free to tell me ways I can edit it to make the story more fluid. Also ways I could continue the plot and possibly ways I could end it.
The entrance to the mine was as unwelcoming as the job itself. Barely hung and unreadable, it's main purpose was to wait until someone had the time to take it down. Inside metal clanked, rocks colided, and men grunted in effort as they atempted to separate one mineral from another. The boys nodded in consolence as they passed. The next level stationed dozens of machines as workers dug into the ground like vultures ripping the Earth clean of all its nutrients. The smell of sweat was washed out by the overwhelming stench of oil and dust. Workers coughed and heaved as they worked feverishly at their assigned machines. Beyond that was an escapade of caves where divers dove devilishly into the labarynths of mine seeking new spots in which man could bleed the ground dry. This was where the boys worked.
Their director was waiting for them when they entered. He greeted them with the same angered commands that was insued every day. Humbily they nodded and looked at their feet as was a custom of the job. Once his shouts died away they were then pushed to the lip of a deep dungenous cave and tied to a life line. Bion's line was a florescent green while Carson's was a light blue. Both would glow in the dark once they entered the cave and both would guide the boys back once their job was finnished. Carson tightened the cord around his waist a little more and spoke to his brother, "Don't worry Bion, we've done this plenty of times." And then, as was custom, Carson jumped into the mine. But jumping in the mine wasn't what was worrying Bion. There was something else that made him hesitate as he stared into the dark chasm that his bother had just jumped into.
Zach Roberge
I would say to build off of the charecters some more. Maybe create some drama between some of the characters. I may add a mystery of some sort because if you dont it would just be a story about mines which maay be interesting to a few but not as in depth to many more. You could grab more attention by adding more action. Action is always an easy way to grab attention but can be hard to write. Writing a gunfight or a chase scene can be pretty tough so you may want to read about some action packed stories. On the writing half it sounds awesome and flows really well. it felt like it was out of a book already,thats how good it was. No jokes and im serious. I can not wait to read it.
ReplyDeleteSo this was YOUR outline? I'm reviewing the stageplay based off of this. Good luck with the story! I love seeing where it is so far :)