September 23, 2011

AHHH Watch out for that Monkey!!!

There was this guy who was walking on the sidewalk all by himself,he had this feeling that something or someone was following him from behind. Then before he could turn around fast enough a rabid monkey started to attack him. The man tried and tried to get away but the monkey wouldnt let him go. After a few more minutes the man ran as fast as he could. While he was running he stepped into some gum,and everytime his foot touched the ground it was sticky and hard to run as fast away from the rabid monkey. All of a sudden there was a lawn mower right in front of him and so he grabbed it and ran with it while it was running. After 5 minutes later he slowed down and looked behind him and the rabid monkey was gone. so he started walking, and then he came to a stop because there was no where else to go because the sidewalk ended. So he thought he was safe from the monkey, but all of a sudden the monkey jumped on his back and started to attack him again and before he could stop him the monkey killed him because he cut his throat open with his claws.

What can i do to make this better and more interesting for a readers eye?

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