October 24, 2011

Cake All Over My Body

Hi guys! I love cake and I hope you do too! Does this make you hungry? Is the part where cake girl dies clear enough? What can I do to maybe hint more and make less of a sudden change in story? SOS!! THXx x3

The cake was moist and delicious. The funfetti fluff of love sat in her mouth like a 600 pound fat guy who can't get out of bed. As she chewed, it rolled around in her mouth like a puppy on a warm summer day. It released the sweet, sweet aroma only comparable to a Thanksgiving feast finished by apple, pumpkin, and cherry pie.
As her mind dreamt of cake covered in frosting and sprinkles piled to the sky, her hands worked dilligently. She only awoke from her dream state when a sharp pain hit her in the stomach. She glanced down at her happy belly and saw a knife pierced through her skin. She fell to the ground beside her other ten victims. She was sprawled out in the blood of the innocent.

1 comment:

  1. you could possibly in the beginning say something leaning towards the fact she's dreaming. somthing like that. good job, its pretty interesting.
