October 14, 2011

My kitten is leaking

As I look back to see that my kitten is leaking, I don't know what to do, my dad just shot my kitten and she decengrated. I really hope my kitten is as ok as I hope she's alright probably not because there's dust everywhere. I'm ashamed at my dad he points the gun at me. " no dad don't please don't do it!" if u dont tell me where my god damn cheese it's are! Dad you seriously are shooting stuff because you can't find your god damn cheese it's! I'm apolled with what u did, shut up BOOM! dead

1 comment:

  1. Hi Josh. I'm going to be a good friend to you right now so I need you to be strong. This may be harsh, but its true. I think you might not know how to speak English. I'd like to take this time to point out that you used the letter "u" in substitute for "you." This is absolutely unresponsible and disrespecful to your readers. You did not even have the decency to write two more letters. YOU ARE SICK. Now that I've shit on your writing mechanics, I'm going to shit on your story. What is this about? I'm going to tell you what I get from this...The kitten is leaking for an unkown reason. Your dad shot the cat and she "decengrated," yet she's leaking. You hope the kittens okay, even though there is kitty dust floating all over the room. You are then ashamed because your dad point a gun at you. You beg your father not to do it, and he's doing it because of "cheese it's" You are "apolled" and then someone is dead... I assume either you or your father, but I don't know which one. Your question is "what do you think I can do to make my story better." My answer to this will take a few steps. Step one, learn English. Step two, make sense. That will help. XOXO PRINCESS ALWAYS LOVES YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!1 bye ;)
