The idea of this piece is to give a prelude to a childhood favorite. I took a couple of creative liberties. Can you guess what this screenplay is about? What can I do to emphasis parts that you think lacked color and clarity.
Much Appreciated.
EXT. Unknown Town – Day but dim
It is the year 2023. Yet it is only two years into the future, the world as we see it is far different from the present. Soldiers are fighting against beings that do not seem to be from this world. We see the battlefield over run with oversized rats, and an assortment of other repulsive animals.
Oak is sent in from the past to analyze the problem. Oak died in his early days before the ugliness of the world emerged. He is here to analyze the captured animals and help the humans turn the tide of the war.
Okay can I get a brief of what has happened in the past year or so to get an idea of what has happened while I was, hehe, dead.
I’ll right sir. Since late 2011, the Japanese government in partnership with CERN has been developing a kind of clean energy that would be ten thousand times cleaner than nuclear energy and 99.97% efficient without any of the drawbacks like fallout of implosion from anti-mater.
Wow. And what happened after that. It seems like the world’s energy crisis would be solved after that. What went wrong?
Well, by the time the technology had been finalized, the majority of the world had already found out what the Japanese and CERN had built. The US and the majority of Europe were extremely disappointed with themselves and began to send in spies and tried to steal the technology that they had invented. Japan and now Taiwan began to counter the West by capturing and luring them. Which they then proceeded and tortured to find out information for themselves. Lots of trouble there.
I see. So the tension between Eastern Asia and the West began to climb. Neither side wanted to feel weak so they kept on going with their plans. So what are all these mutant animals that we are fighting.
Well, hold your horses. We can’t skip any part of this story. So after Japan and Switzerland had perfected and began manufacturing the product, everything seemed fine. It helped Japan start an energy monopoly while the rest of the world was devoid of coal, natural gas, and biochemicals. Now, what happened next was something that no one in the world might have thought of. The plant, in 2018, exploded. The plan was running safety drills and had all precautionary backups turned off and at that moment, the plant ignited and blew its stack off, literally.
Let me guess, there was unpredicted and horrific side effects to the affected are. Just like nuclear fall outs.
Almost. However, after this accident happened. Japan immediately blamed the West for sabotaging the plant and declared a state of emergency along with war. The explosion managed to kill the majority of the workers inside, however the area did not seem to be affected by the accident. No one claimed to be sick and life continued on. If you skip six months into the future however, we begin to see some terrifying scenes: animals began to grow extra appendages, humans began changing colors and reverting back to primal actions. More and more people and animals in the affected area became sick. Japan didn’t know what to do!
Were the mutated beings hostile in any way? Did they provoke or attack innocent people?
No. They seemed fairly friendly but every time they approached a normal human or animal they were repulsed and fled from them. Japan ultimately decided to abandon the city of Sapporo and along with the island too. The West talked about nuking the area and purging the mutants from the world. However, Japan argued against it and war became heated again. Ultimately, NATO and the US became the world power as Eurasia was eliminated and decimated. We’ve been fighting against these beasts since!
Alright…I see the problem. Can I go examine one of the animals that we’ve managed to capture.
Of course sir. Right this way.
Oak is led into a large tented area with bright halogen lights that seems to affect the beast. Oak is also at a slight discomfort and orders the lights to be turned off. (Lights dimmed)
Okay. Can I work with him for a couple of hours? I will give the conclusive report after I have finished working alone.
That can be arranged sir.
Thank you.
After a gruesome six and a half hours of relentless testing and experimenting. Oak finally emerges from the tented area. The beast seems to be a different thing six and a half hours before Oak had began his tests. Oak hands the results to Commander Arthur.
Well, here it is. I think that we should stop this warfare business and send out normal people to quell these things.
What do you mean? Surely you’re not saying that these beasts are safe are you now Doctor?
Please, it’s professor. What I am trying to say is that these beasts do not mean any harm if you do not harm it.
I see. Bring out the male…errr Ketchup or Ketchum…Something like that. Yeah that’s him.
May I ask who this is?
Ah. Well this will be the first person to test your theory. His name is Giovanni Ketchum. We will now be sending him out to help test your theory.
Okay, let me brief you about how you can approach these beasts and quell them. Naturally, they are very calm and peaceful, it seems that these idiots have angered them and I feel like that the only way that we can help them is to act very peaceful ourselves, kinda like monkey see monkey do. You follow?
I follow. Alright. Thanks for the tip, I’ll see what I can do.
Good luck. May God be with you.
Thanks. I’ll be back.
It’s been weeks since Giovanni first left the area to try and quell these beasts. After the area was secured, the body of Giovanni was not found. However, deep in the woods, Professor Oak found Giovanni dwelling with some of the animals that escaped or fled the battle field. Giovanni seems very happy with where he is right now. Professor Oak and Giovanni engage into an unknown conversation and Oak nodes. He leaves, with one thing in mind. When his son Ash turns ten, Professor Oak will take him into his study of expertise.