October 15, 2010

Can you tell what tone is being used?

The sunlight is shining through the creeks of the windows, showing the rapidly dropping dust that covers the colorful room. Mr.Greene is running around, fixing the electric and vibrant colorful posters on the wall. The dictionaries are a screaming red, and are next to the revving computers.Can you tell what tone is being used?

The first page of the dictionary was an intimidating brown, dare you enter? It's contents held bright white pages with bold black words. you can tell that another person has dared to use it because it looks historic and used on the inside and out. It's a dark moody red, which scares off those who do not welcome the journey it holds. Can you tell what tone is being used?

Ron is wearing dark earth tones, which makes him scary to approach. His shocking red tie, is like human blood. That's because it is stained with blood. He is a mean and bad novelist, with a hand full of rings. He does what he wants, and does not obey the rules. Can you tell what tone is being used?

1 comment:

  1. The first one: Excitement.
    The second one: Adventure or danger.
    The third one: Fear.
