This is the 2nd chapter of what I'm writing, I was WAY to tired to manage to finish this when i wrote it, so this is only a fraction of it, maybe like around half, give or take a sentince.
"so let me see if I'm getting this right sir," Roy said. "You want ME to take over the surrounding provances?"
"that's right" the king said. "Well, not so much the provances, but maybe a few cities."
Suprised that the King chose him, a commoner of all people, when he had a whole High-War Council of Knights at his disposal, roy asked
"I see sir, but why do you want me? Wouldn't your High-War Council be better for the job?"
"NO!!" the King yelled. "I do not trust anybody else."
"I'm honored sir, and I accept the task at hand."
"Wonderful!" the King exclamed. "Now, as for the plan." the King lays out a map of Glenior
"we must grow our city economicly... and militarily so, let's see here..."
the king pondered over the map for a little before speaking. "Ah! Here we go..." the King exclamed. "We will take over the Gnomes, and the cities of Neitiznot, Catherby, and Al-khraid, this should drasticly improve our economical input."
The King's eyes scanned the map he laid out on the table very carefully. "And for the militaric might.., go get the Fredmink Provance, Jaitizso, Falador, Varrock, Camelot, and.... hmm..." The King seriously pondered, he knew there was one more spot, but couldnt rember it. "Ah! here it is, and Burthrope."
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