October 1, 2010


Alright I used to be really inspired.... but I don't know what happened. I try to read other poems and try to make my own. I just wanna know what inspires you to write? Please help me!


  1. You need to get out. Walk through a cemetary, or a park. Maybe Yiruma would help you? He's an amazing artist. I love his music. Try some new food as well. Anything that is different will spark your creativity.

  2. When I get stuck on what to do I listen to my MP3 and write to the theme of the music.

  3. I just clear my mind and write about the first thing i think of. You can come up with some pretty creative things by using this method.

  4. If I can't think of anything to write about, I usually go out for a walk and just observe what's around me. If that doesn't work, I'll just close my eyes and let my mind wander about. I usually come up with stuff that way. If that doesn't work, then I'll listen to music. (My inspiration comes when I listen to Yellowcard.) Or even sometimes I write about my life and add some twists to it. But if you haven't been inspired lately, it isn't your fault and don't stress so much about it. Forcing yourself to write isn't going to work. I've done that before and the story didn't make sense. Just be calm and relax, your ideas will come to you even if you take a break or so. :)
