They walk into the managers office and Bob sits down. The manager shuts the door and begins pacing back and forth.
I don't know how to tell you this, but this isn't the first complaint I've recieved about you.
I am a great, hard working employee. Who complains about me?
More like who doesn't complain about you. Your co workers as well as several customers have talked to me about you. They say that you've been rude or harsh towards them for no reason.
None of that is true!
I'm afraid that I can't allow you to work here anymore. We can give off that sort of reputation.
But I didn't do anything! I got mad for a minute, it happens to everyone!
I'm sorry Bob, but you haven't given me much of a choice here.
But I need to work here! If I don't have a job my parents won't let me stay with them. I have nowhere else to go.
I'm really sorry, but I have to let you go.
Fine then! I can work anywhere that I want to! I don't need this place!
Bob storms out of the office and out of Market Basket. He runs out into the middle of the road.
Look out!
Bob is hit by a car. He falls back and is unconcious.
Someone call 911!
This script made me laugh . I think that you should include more details on why Bob is being fired from Market Basket. How is he rude to the customers and coworkers? Is he a jerk? Is he antisocial? Why don’t people like Bob? How old is Bob? He says his parents would kick him out of the house if he gets fired but is he around seventeen or his he in his forties living by himself? I think that when Bob gets fired he should have more emotion. It seems like he doesn’t really care about being fired. You should include some directions such as yelling or screaming to give him more emotions and to make him care about getting fired. The customer in the parking lot should also have more emotion when he sees Bob on the ground after he got hit by the car. I did like that the script made me laugh.